Newsletter 03

What have we been up to?

From the 10th to the 14 of June, the GreenTour partnership joined with young people and youth workers from all partner countries in the tropical paradise of Guadeloupe, a shining light in the green tourism sector, to participate in the GreenTour Youth Exchange training on sustainable tourism and green habits, in which participants from all countries enjoyed the green environment whilst learning how to incorporate eco-sustainable tourism into green locations practically. Thanks to all who participated and learned with us!

What’s next?

During the training, participants helped in the development of the GreenTour Handbook, by developing non-formal learning content based on their experiences and interests from the training. The project’s Handbook, to be made available soon, will be a comprehensive guide to learning how to incorporate green tourism and sustainable practices into tourism activities, developed by all partners with input from participants and associates. 

In addition, GreenTour’s Online Course will soon be available in all project languages, after a highly productive Piloting initiative during the Youth Exchange to validate the innovative nature of the Course and its engaging content. 

If you want to find out more, make sure to check out the project website and follow GreenTour on Facebook and Instagram to keep up to date on everything we do!



Thank you!

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